Case Studies

PERMEOX® Ultra and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular

Studies have shown that PERMEOX® Ultra releases more oxygen to the subsurface environment over longer periods of time compared to other soil remediation products. PERMEOX® Ultra can release oxygen continuously for over 350 days, making it a useful and cost-effective tool for enhancing aerobic bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and some non-halogenated organics. 

PERMEOX® Ultra and KLOZUR® KP for groundwater remediation project in Germany

Highly efficient in situ treatment of a challenging site without further excavation and disposal costs.

PERMEOX® Plus Used for Remediation of Former Leaking UST

Successful treatment of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater at the site of a former leaking underground storage tank using PERMEOX®.

KLOZUR® (sodium persulfate) and PERMEOX® Plus Used to Remediate Groundwater at Former Oil Refinery Pipeline Release

ORIN successfully remediated the site by injecting KLOZUR® (sodium persulfate) and PERMEOX® Plus chemistry through a series of direct push points over a five-day period.

Chemical Oxidation and Biostimulation Achieves Significant Plume Reduction with Single Amendment Application

In situ treatment to an active petroleum service station site in the coastal plain of Florida, USA.