high quality recycled paper and bright pulp using hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid

High quality recycling paper and high brightness pulp

Pulp Production

In the pulp and paper industry, chemical pulp, mechanical pulp, and recovered paper are the most important raw materials for paper production. Depending on the quality requirements for the paper grade, additives are used for bleaching and deinking processes. Hydrogen peroxide is used as a highly efficient oxidative bleaching agent and prevents the yellowing of the fibers. 

hydrogen peroxide for white paper and excellent paper brightness

Chemical and Mechanical Pulp

Hydrogen peroxide is used in the pulp industry as a major oxidant for chemical and mechanical pulp bleaching. H2O2 ensures excellent brightness values with high brightness stability and without generating halogenated by-products in the pulp and in the effluent.

hydrogen peroxide in paper recycling

Paper Recycling

Recycling of paper saves water, energy, reduces waste, and protects the environment. H2O2 supports the deinking process and prevents the alkaline yellowing of the secondary fibers. Applied in a post-bleaching stage, the brightness is improved and recycling paper of high quality is produced. 

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