Regulatory Affairs
The aim of the European Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR) is to harmonize the E.U. regulations for biocidal products and their active substances in order to provide a high level of protection for people, animals, and the environment, and to ensure that products are sufficiently effective against the target species.
Authorization for biocidal products
As of 2020, the European Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR) replaces old national regulations for hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid. The BPR defines the marketing authorization procedure for biocidal products. Only authorized products are allowed to be sold as biocides on the market. The main rule of the BPR: no authorization – no market.
In the transitional period existing biocidal products are marketed under current national biocidal registrations. Article 95 of the BPR regulates the transitional measures for placing active substances or individual biocidal products containing these active substances on the market.
For this purpose, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a list of companies that have submitted a dossier in support of an active substance under the review program for existing substances. As a member of the Cefic Hydrogen Peroxide Sub Group and Cefic Peracetic Acid Registration Group, Evonik participates actively in the registration of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid as active substances and biocidal products under the BPR. Thus, Evonik fulfills the obligations according to article 95 and is listed on the above-mentioned list of active substance suppliers. Evonik does an EU-wide biocidal product registration. Biocidal products from Evonik containing peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide fulfill the obligations of the European Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) (EU) No. 528/2012 and will therefore be actively supported in the product registration under the BPR.
Depending on the requirements of our customers, we offer a comprehensive range of services for market access strategies. Contact us for individual consultation!
Active Oxygens' Biocidal Products
We offer our own portfolio of biocidal products. They cover a wide range of applications such as disinfection of food packaging, industrial and institutional cleaning, textile disinfection, animal hygiene, or water treatment among others. They are designed to be used by end users as well as service providers.
Our hydrogen peroxide biocide brand names are OXTERIL® and CLARMARIN®.
Our peracetic acid-based biocide brands are PERACLEAN® and VIGOROX®.