Case Studies
DARAMEND® treats soils containing chlorinated herbicides and pesticides, organic explosives and chlorinated VOCs (CVOCs) at many sites around the world. In our case studies, we show you how the DARAMEND® product family removes pollutants from soils through specific remediation projects.
In this presentation, environmental experts Dr. Alan Seech and Michael Mueller show how Daramend® Reagents can be used to treat soil contaminated with lindane and other chlorinated pesticides through a wide range of applications, both in situ and ex situ. This is the slide deck from the 14th International HCH Forum held in Zaragoza, Spain, in 2023 — one of Europe's most important conferences on the remediation of pesticides.
You can also watch Dr. Seech's presentation video on YouTube.
With a total treatment period of 3 months, the application of DARAMEND® Reagent has reduced concentrations of PCE and TCE below remediation standards at this site in the northwestern United States.
DARAMEND® was first applied to a two-hectare pilot project and then to an additional 32 hectares. The treatment resulted in successful removal of concentrations of organochlorine contaminants in the soil within time and cost constraints.
DARAMEND® Reagent was the selected technology at a site for the treatment of 350 tons of soil impacted by phenoxy-acid herbicides (2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T), and other chlorinated pesticides (DDT, DDD, and DDE).
A 90-acre site formerly used as an oil waste disposal facility needed remediation before conversion to a 300-unit residential development and endangered plant refuge. This is because volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) were contaminating soil and groundwater.
A 2,600-ton in situ pilot was conducted at a site in Florida using DARAMEND® Reagent achieving remedial goals within 3 weeks.
This project was the second of three pilot projects under a research and development program designed to validate certain DARAMEND® reagent applications for soils contaminated with chlorinated herbicides. After 10 months of treatment, the average metolachlor concentration in the main treatment cell had decreased to <1 mg/kg and in the heavily contaminated treatment cell to 11 mg/kg. In the control cell, the concentration remained unchanged.
DARAMEND® was applied at a pilot scale to approximately 100 tons of soil from the former Raritan Arsenal in Edison, New Jersey. Area 4 of the Raritan Arsenal was used as an explosives salvage and smelting area from World War I through the 1920s.
After 28 days of treatment, TNT concentrations had decreased to an average of 74 mg/kg and amino dinitrotoluene concentrations had been reduced to 25.9 mg/kg, which met the proposed cleanup goals for the site. Although 75 days had been scheduled for the remediation, the demonstration was terminated after only 56 days due to the rapid treatment rate.
DARAMEND® Reagent effectively reduced the concentrations of TNT, DNT and tetryl during two separate pilot-scale demonstrations on contaminated soil. DARAMEND® was also effectively applied during a full-scale (3,000 ton) demonstration of the technology at the same site on TNT impacted soil.
The Atlantic Division of the US Naval Facilities Engineering Command, in conjunction with the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station (WPNSTN) initiated the multi-batch, full-scale bioremediation of soil impacted with organic explosive compounds (OE) at the WPNSTN.
The army detected trinitrotoluene (TNT) and cyclomethylenetriamine (RDX) in soil near the TNT washout area (designated as SWMU-10), threatening the ground water for 2,500 people who depend on wells within 3 miles of the site.