Soil and Groundwater Remediation

DARAMEND® Reagent webinars

Our DARAMEND® webinars provide an overview of the technical effects and various applications like treatment of soils containing herbicides, pesticides, organic explosive compounds or chlorinated VOCs. The DARAMEND® Reagent family covers a variety of topics on the science behind some of today's most innovative remediation treatments.




In our latest webinar, Dr. Alan Seech explains how Evonik reagents can be used to remediate vadose zone soils more economically and more sustainably than the Dig & Dump approach. In the video, we review treatment chemistry and microbiology, present findings from bench-scale testing and full-scale projects, and introduce case studies including:

  • In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) with DARAMEND® Reagent
  • Aerobic bioremediation with TERRAMEND® Reagent
  • Removal of leachable heavy metals with METAFIX® Reagent

This webinar provides an overview of Evonik's reagents for in situ and ex situ remediation of soils contaminated with chlorinated organic compounds and organic explosives. Dr. Seech will provide an overview of the DARAMEND® family of reagents, including details on their composition, associated benefits, treatment chemistry, and applicability in destroying various soil contaminants. 

Dr. Alan Seech presents how DARAMEND® Reagent controls soil chemistry to promote chemical and microbiological processes that enhance anaerobic destruction of key organic explosive compounds as well as their decomposition products.

Dr. Alan Seech provides an overview of the chemistry of the ISCR process for treating pesticides with a cyclic, anaerobic/aerobic approach. A significant advantage of this ISCR treatment is its ability to meet even the most stringent residential remediation requirements.

Dr. Alan Seech highlights in case studies the use of the original in situ chemical reduction remediation technology and its effectiveness on a range of contaminants, as well as the cost reduction compared to other surface soil remediation options.

Dan Leigh, P.G., CH.G. presents the basics of biologically mediated enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). The discussion touches on the techniques through application examples and commonly encountered problems used to establish the process. In addition, Mr. Leigh will present descriptions and application examples of the abiotic degradation pathway that occurs during biogeochemical degradation and ISCR.