Soil and Groundwater Remediation
EHC® Reagent webinars
EHC® Reagent consists of controlled-release carbon, zero-valent iron (ZVI) particles, and nutrients used for in situ treatment of groundwater and saturated soils contaminated with heavy metals and persistent organic compounds such as chlorinated solvents, pesticides, and energy sources. In our webinars, we show you how EHC® works physically, chemically, and microbiologically after it is injected into the subsurface.
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Daniel Leigh of Evonik’s Soil & Groundwater Remediation team presents on common design and analytical requirements for standard pilot tests using reductive reagents. Pilot tests are one of best ways to verify the effectiveness of a remediation approach and can help refine the remedial design prior to full-scale implementation. |
This webinar will describe the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes promoted by METAFIX® and EHC® Reagents and how they work to remove soluble heavy metals, with a focus on arsenic, chromium, lead, and mercury. Treatment of heavy metals in soils and groundwater is based on their conversion from soluble to insoluble forms by promoting precipitation, coprecipitation, and adsorption reactions. These reactions are controlled primarily by pH, Eh, sulfate/sulfide and ferrous/ferrous chemistry, and the availability of metabolizable organic carbon. |
The success of most in situ remediation strategies relies largely on the effective distribution of reagents in the subsurface. In this webinar, Josephine Molin reported on the validation of effective distribution in the subsurface in the context of EHC® injection projects. She provided an overview of the various methods used to verify ROI and observations in different lithologies, as well as recommended injection equipment and approaches to limiting emergence during injection in challenging locations. |
Brianna Desjardins and Brant Smith discuss the lab-scale testing that our Environmental Solutions Laboratory typically performs for EHC® Reagent, ELS® Microemulsion, KLOZUR® persulfate, METAFIX® Reagent, and hydrogen peroxide. Testing, a critical element to successful implementation of remediation technologies, is used to develop design parameters, evaluate potential issues, ensure regulatory compliance, and demonstrate a conceptual approach prior to field deployment. |