Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Terramend® Reagent webinars

Our experts from the soil and groundwater remediation group will present representative results from completed projects at sites in the chemical industry, wood processing and hydrocarbon processing.




Dr. Alan Seech explains how Evonik reagents can be used to remediate vadose zone soils more economically and more sustainably than the dig & dump approach. In the video, we review treatment chemistry and microbiology, present findings from bench-scale testing and full-scale projects, and introduce case studies including:

  • Aerobic bioremediation with TERRAMEND® Reagent
  • In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) with DARAMEND® Reagent
  • Removal of leachable heavy metals with METAFIX® Reagent

Dr. Alan Seech shows you in this webinar that TERRAMEND® Reagent is ideally suited for in situ and ex situ bioremediation of soils contaminated with compounds like phtalates or petroleum hydrocarbons.