Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Webinars on all topics

Here you will find cross-topic webinars on our remediation projects with general tips on finding the right remediation approach and on our remediation processes in general. 




Evonik Senior Technology Application Manager Dr. Alan Leech will review, compare, and contrast the effectiveness of common treatment approaches for metals, metalloids, and chlorinated organics as influenced by their chemistry and site conditions. Remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with metals and metalloids is a significant challenge. The number of impacted sites is substantial, estimated at more than 2,000 in the United States and Europe. Dr. Seech will briefly review the removal mechanisms for dissolved arsenic, hexavalent chromium, and divalent heavy metals with emphasis on the solubility and pH range stability of the products formed. The influence of soil and groundwater variables such as pH, redox status, and native iron and sulfate concentrations will be addressed. Representative results from bench-scale treatability testing and full-scale case studies using sustainably produced reagents including METAFIX® and GEOFORM® will be presented and discussed.

This webinar, presented by Dan Leigh, Evonik's remediation expert, will outline the basic steps to planning effective remediation projects.

For example, we will discuss whether to start with bench testing or move directly to pilot testing, as well as the data needs for determining how to move from pilot testing to full-scale remediation. Dan will also discuss the different biological, chemical and biogeochemical reduction reagents and how to determine which one is right for your site.