Calcium Peroxide
PERMEOX® Ultra Powder and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular
PERMEOX® Ultra is a specially formulated calcium peroxide that provides prolonged oxygen release for enhanced aerobic bioremediation. PERMEOX® Ultra contains at least 18% active oxygen and is available in powder and granular form.

- PERMEOX® Ultra Powder allows for a workable slurry for injections and does not set up.
- PERMEOX® Ultra Granular reduces dust hazards and material handling issues in the field.
Studies have shown that PERMEOX® Ultra releases more oxygen into the subsurface environment over extended periods as compared to other soil remediation products. PERMEOX® Ultra can continually release oxygen for over 350 days, thus providing a useful and cost-effective tool for enhancing the aerobic bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and some non-halogenated organics.
PERMEOX® Ultra is formulated to contain ≥18% Active Oxygen (AO), a measure of how much oxygen is available to be released. This compares favorably to the AO levels found in typical calcium peroxide and magnesium peroxide based oxygen release products that are subject to lock up/encapsulation. This means that on a pound to pound basis, PERMEOX® Ultra is able to deliver more oxygen.
- Microbes use organic carbon (COC/COI) and oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor
- Contains ≥18% active oxygen, which is higher than other grades of calcium peroxide
- Releases oxygen for up to one year, which is the longest oxygen release profile of similar products in the market
- Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Non-halogenated organics
- Direct injections in the plume (slurry)
- In a permeable reactive barrier (PRB)
- Broadcast in open pit/excavation post UST and soil removal
Aerobic bioremediation technologies are used to accelerate the degradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons and some fuel oxygenates through natural biological processes. By adding oxygen to the subsurface through pure oxygen injection, use of oxygen releasing compounds, hydrogen peroxide infiltration or ozone injection, the oxygen becomes available to aerobic microorganisms in the unsaturated zone, saturated zone or both. The process helps to facilitate the conversion of biodegradable compounds to CO2 and H2O. This technology can be used to effectively reduce contaminants from oil, petroleum, gasoline, solvents and pesticides, among others.
PERMEOX® Ultra application guides
Slurry preparation overview and guidance for excavation, in situ mixing and direct injection.
For baseline sampling prior to PERMEOX® Ultra Powder and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular applications. The analyses described in the document are recommended at monitoring points established in the treatment area prior to application.
PERMEOX® Ultra case studies
Successful treatment of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater at the site of a former leaking underground storage tank using PERMEOX®.
PERMEOX® Ultra Powder and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular
Type of site
Former underground storage tank leakage
Contaminants treated
Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene
Orin remediation technologies
Situational summary
BTEX compounds including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene were present in the site of a former leaking underground storage tank. PERMEOX® was used to treat 41,200-square-foot plume of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater.
Three months following the injection, benzene concentrations were reduced from 1,400 μg/L to 1.8 μg/L in the highest impact soils within the plume. Down and side gradient groundwater also showed significant reduction. Overall, unsaturated contaminant levels were reduced from 2,900 μg/L to less than detection over a four-month period.
ORIN successfully remediated the site by injecting KLOZUR® sodium persulfate and PERMEOX® Plus chemistry through a series of direct push points over a five-day period.
PERMEOX® Ultra Powder and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular
Type of site
Pipeline release
Contaminants treated
Situational summary
4,700 ppb of benzene was present in the groundwater at the 60,000 ft.3 site. Treatment application consisted of chemical injection through a series of direct push points of KLOZUR® sodium persulfate followed by PERMEOX® Plus over a five-day period.
Benzene concentrations were reduced from 4,700 ug/l to 3.3 ug/l. Down-gradient wells outside the active injection area also showed a significant reduction.
In situ treatment to an active petroleum service station site in the coastal plain of Florida, USA.
PERMEOX® Ultra Powder and PERMEOX® Ultra Granular
Type of site
Active petroleum service station site
Contaminants treated
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Situational summary
A historical release of gasoline affected a 1,550-square-meter area and a volume of 9,600 cubic meters of a sandy aquifer. A layer (3 centimeter maximum) of LNAPL was present in a 56-square-meter area. KLOZUR® CR (5384 kg) was applied to the source area (450 square meters) and PERMEOX® Plus (2455 kg) was applied to the balance of the plume as aqueous slurries using temporary direct push points to a maximum depth of 17 meters below ground surface.
Three months post-amendment application, the size of the plume area was reduced by 70% and Florida Groundwater Target Cleanup Goals (similar to MCLs) were achieved within the PERMEOX® Plus application area and have been maintained through four consecutive quarterly monitoring events. Initial results in the KLOZUR® CR application area showed near complete treatment of lighter hydrocarbons, and higher concentrations of heavier hydrocarbons which is likely attributable to high-pH induced desorption from soils or dissolution from the NAPL.