Solutions for soil and groundwater remediation


TERRAMEND® Reagent is used to accelerate bioremediation and offers a cost-effective treatment technology for soils contaminated with organic compounds. The TERRAMEND® technology is advantageous because it can often be applied without excavation, generates no odors or leachate, and does not result in soil bulking (1-3% soil mass application rates typical).

An independent audit conducted by the U.S. EPA concluded that the technology represented a safe, effective, and cost-efficient means of treating soils (US EPA/540/R-95/536 July, 1996).

Two TERRAMEND® Reagent formulations are available and selected based on site conditions and targeted contaminants. TERRAMEND® Carbon treats soils containing recalcitrant compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, and chlorophenols (including pentachlorophenol). TERRAMEND® Inorganic treats biodegradable compounds, including BTEX, GRO, DRO, and TPH.

We will develop an appropriate dosing level and treatment approach for your site, based on contaminant mix, remedial goals and other site specific factors.


  • Hydrophilic character
  • Balanced range of nutrients
  • Improved ecology
  • Accelerated bioremediation


  • Petroleum
  • Phtalates
  • Selected herbicides
  • Chlorophenols

Key functions

  • In situ landfarming
  • Ex situ treatment cells or windrows

TECHNOLOGY: Aerobic bioremediation

Aerobic bioremediation is the addition of oxygen and nutrients to accelerate naturally occurring bioremediation through natural biological processes. The process helps facilitate the conversion of biodegradable compounds to CO2 and H2O.

TERRAMEND® application guides

We answer your frequently asked questions on the use of TERRAMEND® technology for in situ and ex situ treatment. This includes topics such as process equipment, required soil properties, temperature in the treatment process or considerations for clay soils.

TERRAMEND® Reagent improves natural bioremediation by adjusting conditions in the soil matrix to promote biodegradation of the target substance. TERRAMEND® bioremediation is typically applied as a soil treatment process driven by an agricultural tractor.

TERRAMEND® webinars

Dr. Alan Seech presents an overview on the TERRAMEND® Reagent family for the in situ and ex situ treatment of soils impacted by a wide range of contaminants such as PCP, PAHs, phtalates and petroleum hydrocarbons.

Contact and further information