Disinfection and Odor Control
Water Recycling
Water recycling reduces the uptake of water from natural sources. By systematically reusing water, one of our most precious resources, we can combat water scarcity. In addition, wastewater disposal costs are saved.
Water protection through recycling
Sustainable water management is becoming more important in the face of climate change. Increasingly severe droughts are lowering groundwater levels in some areas while extreme rainfall can cause floodings. Against a backdrop of water scarcity and rising water costs, industry is turning to sustainable water reuse and water recycling solutions to reduce wastewater and cut energy costs. In this way, fresh water can essentially be reserved for drinking water supply.
Particularly in industries with high water consumption, such as electronics and microelectronics, the pulp and paper industry, the food and beverage sector, and even the oil and gas industry, the recycling of process water or rinse water reduces production costs and contributes to a more sustainable production process.
Constantly increasing legal requirements for the purity of process water are driving the demand for chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid that do not produce any harmful by-products.
The antimicrobial effect of peroxides in water recycling
Biocides such as peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are effective chemistries used for disinfection and odor elimination. They combat the proliferation of microorganisms and associated visual and odor changes that can arise from biodegradable compounds.
Carwashes that recycle most of their wash water, for example, can prevent the development of bad odors by continuously adding small amounts of biocides such as peracetic acid to the recycling water. In cases of acute odor problems, shock dosing of peracetic acid is also an option. After killing unwanted microorganisms, peracetic acid breaks down into nothing more than water, oxygen, and vinegar.
Hydrogen peroxide also has an antimicrobial effect and is used to control biofouling in cooling and process water.
Peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide thus make a double contribution to the sustainable use of water. They enable water savings and the associated reduction of costs through effective recycling without leaving harmful residues in the environment.
Our Products
Formulations of peracetic acid are effective against a wide range of harmful aquatic organisms and also to those that cause problems in industrial processes. Peracetic acid solutions are used for a variety of water treatment applications, such as the treatment of cooling water and industrial or municipal wastewater. Wastewater is typically disinfected prior to discharge to remove pathogenic species. Products containing peracetic acid offer an alternative to common chlorine-based disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite. Using a non-chlorinated disinfectant avoids the formation of toxic chlorine-containing by-products.
PERACLEAN® Vanguard is an environmentally friendly technology that utilizes peracetic acid to eliminate metals, tri-halogenated forming organic compounds, and contaminants of concern, as well as to reduce biological oxygen demand prior to terminal disinfection for drinking water applications. Peracetic acid is a strong oxidant used in many industrial settings to eliminate undesired water contaminants, and its oxidative power can be deployed in the treatment of drinking waters. PERACLEAN® Vanguard is NSF® approved as an oxidant and membrane cleaner and is certified organic.
B-CAP® Antimicrobial grades are EPA registered and can be used to control biofouling in cooling and process water systems, as a biocide in paper mills and for general slime control. Some grades are registered for manufacturing and can be used in any FIFRA-registered product formulation with hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient.

Key benefits of H2O2 and PAA
- Environmentally friendly disinfection of recycling water
- Antimicrobial effect
- Removal of bad odors